One of the best earning app till now I have ever seen. This app provide free joining and also provide free cash during registration just by verifying phone and email and money is debited and by using this money you can earn. One can also earn by referring to his frnds by his referral code if they join he also get money and u also.Now taking about how its work, it betting is done on cricket and football. One have Create your best 11 player team and you have to choose captain or vice captain.Then point will be provided according to your player performance . Now telling about how much u can earn starting from 5 to 1000000 crore I can earn if u create best team and ur team perform well.For withdrawing the money pan card verification is required and is safe and also bank account details.U can also add money into this if u have no money to play. From my opinion this app is a great source of earning but u have to be careful before playing into this and dont be addicted to it.It takes 3 to 4 days for transfer of money.U can also see your previous result performance for future improvement.And believe its a trusted app with over 10 million user playing into this app.U can download this app from Google as it is not available in play store.