Backing up is always a good idea, however when you decide to backup online the problems are many and the grey hairs start to appear.
I joined Driveway when the space limit sat at a comfy 50 megabytes. Great, I thought, that was just enough to store my valuable website files at the time. Not so great was when, after only been signed up for a month or so the ominous e-mail came saying that space had been limited to 20 mb unless you were prepared to pay for the extra. That sucked to put it plainly, but I was hardly shocked as most place eventually turn that road.
So I split the storage between Driveway and Freedrive. The upload performance on both was poor to say the least. Slow and with a tendancy cease halfway through!
Finally it was the second e-mail that scared me and turned me into a hater of any sort of online storage. Yep, they were shutting down and saying goodbye to who knows how many members. They gave a certain amount of time to transfere files to before everything was lost. Ironically, freedrive did the same thing, reduceing their space, and I dont use their services as I expect that it will dissapear for good too shortly.
My advice, get a CDRW drive installed and backup on disc, if something goes wrong its your fault anyway and for those who pay to access the net its cheaper in the long run.