I had been looking for a good cat food for my cat, when I came across Drools Cat Food.It claimed to have Omega 6 and other vitamins like Vitamin A, Vitamin E.I thought it will be ideal for my cat and bought it.First when gave it to my cat she ate very well and kept asking for more.She refused normal foods which she used to love and insisted to eating Drools only.After 1 month, I noticed some changes in her.She became weak and her fur started to fall a little.I slowly tried to change Drools into normal food, but she was adamant to eat drools, and will not touch the normal food.
After lots of coaxing , I made her eat normal food and stopped drools.
Now she has become strong and active.
Eating Drools is becoming an addiction to cats which I feel is not a right practice.I am not aware of the technical problems of Drools, but I feel that it is not good for health