On fateful day of 20/06/2010 Sunday; I had to attend a very important function of a family friend in bangalore at 12:50pm with my family of five. I tried my always trusted taxi service Cell Cab, but they told all cabs are already booked & they cant help me. Later tried useless Meru, phone never went through their Line, hence cant say on their service; Spot city told no cabs in area. Last left was EasyCabs.
Hence I tried EasyCab for the first Time in my life at 11:00am - Hoping that they must be better, As they regularly serve people towards Bangalore Airport & ferry in City; As I had seen lots of time in my Area; Ramamurthynagar.
I called them & waited in the Line for more than 10 minutes [IVR tone - Thankyou for Calling EasyCab; Damn Irritating]; Ok Somehow got to the Customer Care person, some lady picked the Call & without telling me that Cabs are available in my Area; She told to give my Address & after booking confirmation they will send me an SMS within 5 mins which will confirm whether Cab is Coming or not. First Time I heard this kind of nuisance.
Left with no Choice; I said fine & told her entire address & then she Cut the call! Voila! Amused, bemused I didnt understood has the booking done or not or what?
Recalled after waiting for 10 mins[expecting SMS]; Some gentleman picked the call after usual wait of 10 mins & told no booking was done; Went throught the Entire process once again. This time he confirmed I will get SMS.
Atlast I got an SMS stating that - "Dear Guest, Your booking id for dt 20 Jun 10 12:20 is 1589. Thank you for choosing EasyCabs"
Next SMS I got stating the Cab number 2670, I guess & drivers Contact no.; Saying that driver will give a Call. Later driver called at 12pm & asked the address again & then said that 1 minute, I have to talk to the office. No call after that.blank. Didnt picked my call also.
Again called EasyCab 080-43434343; already fedup & getting late; after usual wait of 10 min. CC person told that he will make sure Cab comes; Time was already 12:30pm. Later I waited as didnt had any option left at 12:45 got the call from driver stating that -
-Cab is brokedown & Cant come, plz take some other vehicle.phew? Great Service.
Atlast I walked for Half a kilometre with my Wife, Sister, Bro & Mom; reached the Auto Stand & hired 2 Autos & was able to reach Mission Road, while almost at the end of the function.