This not a review... Its a WARNING... never go for ebay items. Me and few of my friends have tried it several times and everytime disappointed.
Note down that:
The sellers never show the picture of the actual item. They will show you a very cool pic of the same item, but will send you the one with quality which cant be any better than 5%.
Famous brands like Casio, Citizen, Sony etc are exceptions... And I would wonder why one would buy a Sony, Casio etc type of product from ebay if that is available at same price at a dealer near you... where you can inspect your buy.
Ebay lists thousands of brand names one would never have heard of. Hardly anything of them is worth buying. Dealers here are nothing but BIG CHEATERS....BETTER THING is go to a market, see different choices and buy it. These EBay vendors are cheats - Prices are always higher than market.