Elle 18 is such a popular brand that everyone tries its products atleast once. And ofcourse they offer so many products with super quality at affordable price.
But lipsticks are such a dissapointing product from this good brand. I bought three lipsticks from elle 18 last year. I thought that nail pains from this brand are very nice. Comoact is also good so lipsticks must also be amazing. But I felt so bad after uaing the lipsticks.
It retails for a price between 100-150 which is so less as comoared to other brands. The shades were fabulous that I ended up buying 3 of them. 2 for me and 1 for my mom.
The lipsticks were gliding on lips smoothly and were nicely pigmented. But it did not last for even 1 and a half hour. After an hour I was so dissapointed that there was no mark of lipstick on my lips.
Second most dissapointing reason was that it started to melt like ice cream. 2 of them were good but 1 started to melt at room temperature. So I thought of keeping it in fridge for a couple of hours but till then I lost all my interest to use that.
So for me 330 rs were total waste. Because they were of no use for me. no staying power at all? I mean then what is the reason to use it. It is better to use lip balm then.