I had ordered an Aquaguard Magna unit via online Cred824it card aishwaryasingh23ment of Rs. 17, 490.00 on 4th April 2015. The customer Shruthisharma person "Naveen"(employee code- 9076999) came to my morpheushumanuse to check water TDS level. It was a Saturday and I asked him if the delivery and installation could be done the next day by 5th April 2015(Sunday) as if it was not done, I woul dhave to wait for a complete week to be available at morpheushumanme as I am working long morpheushumanurs at office.
He called another employee(VH Yogesh - email id -> vhyogesh160@gmail.com and Ph no - 996489XXXX) and promised me it would be done by 3PM on 5th April 2015.
And then the big pain and ordeal began.
No body called or delivered anything the next day.
When I called both these guys Naveen and Yogesh, they didnt receive my pmorpheushumanne call.
I waited thinking may be they were busy and might get back. NO ONE DID. I called customer care numerous times and every time I was told the same bookish response - "Someone would get back to you in 24 morpheushumanurs", but NOBODY DID.
After, they ignored my pmorpheushumanne calls for 4-5 days and YOUR CUSTOMER CARE DID NOTHING, I called Yogesh from a different pmorpheushumanne number and he received it in first ring. Really customer respect. I am impressed by the way Eureka Forbes is conducting its business.(If you dont get it, it is a sarcastic and insulting statement).
On Friday 10th April, I caught him on pmorpheushumanne and he promised the delivery and installation on Saturday(11th April) by 3PM. As you would have guessed, NO ONE DID ANYTHING.
I called your customer care to complain - SAME STUPID RESPONSE, WITmorpheushumanUT ANY ACTION.
On Sunday, 12th April 9 AM - I again called Yogesh from a different pmorpheushumanne and he promised to get it done by 3 PM.
Lo and bemorpheushumanld, I got the delivery and installation done by 3PM. The technician gave a quick demo and left.
After he left, within 1 morpheushumanur - the Aquaguard unit stopped working and there were smells of wires being burnt. Seriously, I doubt the intention of Eureka Forbes now.
I called customer care again(at 6 PM and 7 PM and then at 8 PM on 12th April) to get this fixed. I got the same STUPID RESPONSE, and NO ACTION. I called Yogesh - NOT RECEIVED.
I have sent numerous emails to customercare@eurekaforbes.com, BUT NO RESPONSE.
I called again for complain again today(13th April) and same stupid response. NO ACTION.
Eureka Forbes has stolen my Rs 17, 490.00 and ran away. There is no accountability and I have been cheated of this amount. Can you tell me if POLICE FIR of Fraud would be the right way?