We all know that FACEBOOK is a SOCIAL NETWORKING site. It was made by MARK ZUKERBERG. Now FACEBOOKS rules on millions of peoples worldwide. Not all the services are free but basic like Messaging, posting sharing are free. To PROMOTE your post or anything you have to pay for more coverage. I have been using facebook since my 12th . Earlier I used ORKUT a lot but since then it miss many exiting features I stopped using it. Facebook has brought so many exiting and useful features like TIMELINE, VIDEOCALL, LIVE VIDEO. and much more. Now I use FACEBOOK for three reasons.
My main ID, You can get there by searching "ersyedfaizanali" or directly by fb.com/ersyedfaizanali
My Photography PAGE: You can get there by "ersfaphotography" or directly by fb.com/ersfaphotography
My Singing PAGE: You can get it by "ersfali" or directly by fb.com/ersfali
Facebook has great server, Every page loads very fast. The video loads at good speed.
Facebook is very simple to use and the Options are rally simple. You can create a group, a page or make 5000 friends.