Fair and lovely has given good results to many girls but in advertisements only. There are a lot of people who are using this fairness cream but for sure it does not make some one fair. No cream can do that. So the first claim is wrong itself.
Second, it has bleaching agent due to which it may give instant fairness which is temporary only. And that bleaching agent/ chemical is the thing which causes irritation to some people. In my case, my skin starts itching a lot when I use fair and lovely fairness cream.
I used it a couple of years ago. When I also wanted to look fair. Lolz. But it did blunders to me. My skin started to sweat a lot and it became itchy. This cream is so dry that it results into sweat and dryness.
Price: price is not so high. And it comes in pouch also.
Availability: it is easily available everywhere.
Unique features: I did not find it useful. So I can not mention anything unique in this cream.
I will not recommend this cream to anyone.