FALTU by Anjan Das is a sensitive, provoking film indeed. I wouldnt have bothered to check it out had it not been for the superlative reviews, especially the one on this site, that have recommended the film for all film-buffs. The film has been promoted nationwide rather well (often a bit aggressively - as is the norm thesedays). I had been particularly apprehensive about the cast - who would have expected Yash Pandit and Manjari Phadnis to be so convincing! - but the ensemble cast is just perfect for this harsh film that explores the fabric of victimisation and victimising in an otherwise familiar, tragic, morality tale. The novella Ranirghater Brittanto by Syed Mustafa Siraj gets a lush, poignant cinematic depiction in the promising directors visualisation. I hope it garners the deserved response from cinegoers and makes us think more on the lines of tolerance and peaceful co-existence. Veterans like Nirmal Kumar, Soumitra Chatterjee, Pradeep Mukherjee, Chhanda Chatterjee and others in the cast are given a great dramatic piece to charm the viewers familiar with their craft. But it is not the only reason to see the film. One needs to see it for the sheer sensitivity with which the crosscurrents emerging from exploring and feigning identities have been dealt with by director Anjan Das. Kudos to the cast and crew of FALTU.