If youre a homemaker on a tight budget, dont forget to add Family Circle Magazine to your list of must-haves! Subscription rates are under $10 for a full year in the U.S. and international subscriptions are also available (at a higher rate). The information inside is well-worth the cost - each month, the magazine is full of money-saving, time-saving articles as well as how-tos on almost every subject.
A brief overview of the magazine includes feature articles on Food (great meals in minutes!), Home (seasonal crafts and decorating ideas), Beauty/Fashion (the latest trends), Health/Fitness (medical alerts, exercise, and weight loss tips), and Good Reads (usually reserved for inspirational stories of courageous women, men and children). Youll also find regular articles in every issue: From the Editor (a monthly message from Susan Ungaro, Editor), Circle This (free offers!), Your Letters (even more great ideas and opinions from people just like you!) and Buyers Guide (a complete list of all products featured in the magazine as well as where to purchase them).
Focusing on the entire family is the biggest advantage Family Circle has over most other magazines. They cover every topic imaginable on babies, toddlers and teens, and on young adults, middle-age, and senior citizens. The advice is positive, as well as timeless. One of my favorite articles was Help: Clutter Free at Last! 50 Tips for Pack Rats and Procrastinators by Adeline McConnell. The only thing she forgot to mention was what to do with all my old copies of Family Circle!
I cant bear to part with any of them!