I drive a 1957 model fiat which my Dad purchased in the year 1996 from one of the Parsis who owned the 1957 model. Its a wonder beauty and the engine & tin of the car are in good condition even today. The one thing that I like about this car is its round shape & round back. If painted in black this car resembles a black beetle. I am in love with this car since the time we purchased it.
This car has given very less trouble & the maintenance cost of this vehicle is almost negligible. The car has radial tyres and copper and brass fittings , original metal front grill. The car just needs to be kept in a running condition & battery servicing needs to be done once in 3 months for excellent performance. If anyone interested in purchasing this vehicle get in touch with me at prashant.pathare@hotmail.com or alternately call me on 9324714829.