First Flight is pathetic, no accountability for highly charged services.Dump them. Only use there service when on other option is left.
From:Deepak Agarwal**<>
Date: Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 12:22 PM
Subject: Re:{Disarmed} Re: Status of Consignment Number - A27483851
To: Lakshmi -baeincoming,,
Thanks Lakshmi!
I just got a call from 9844957626(First Flight Bangalore Office), that courier was not delivered because of heavy load due to Rakhi festival.Hecommittedto deliver it tomorrow.
But, my question is why the status is shown asinsufficient address, the customer is paying for the service then why do you play games with them and why was it not delivered in 5 days, even if it is Rakhi festival?You charge for instant service and give service worst than normal indian post.
My objective of sending gift for my sister on Rakhi is lost, and I wont use your service is future.I would suggest First Flight to be professional, otherwise there are many other companies as an option.
Regards, Deepak
On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 12:08 PM, Lakshmi -baeincomingbaecsd@firstflight.netwrote:
Dear Sir, Good Morning.Thank you for writing to us. Kindly wait we check and revert you in this regard.Rgds
Lakshmi- Original Message -**From:**Deepak Agarwal**To:**;;**Cc:****Sent:**Tuesday, August 24, 2010 11:56 AM**Subject:**{Disarmed} Re: Status of Consignment Number - A27483851
Now the status isaddress insufficient, though FirstFlight delivered courier on same address 2 weeks back.No one even bothered to call mobile of sender\receiver to get detailed address in case of problem.
Are you people cracking any joke? All customer care no are busy, you are saying insufficient address for famous tech park in Bangalore.Could someone tell me how to get the courier delivered to destination.
23-Aug-2010 Bangalore address insufficient
Thanks, Deepak
On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 7:56 PM, Deepak Agarwal<>wrote:
Hello, I would like to know where is my consignment?Btw, which first flight do you use, there are 10s of flight from Hyd to Bang.You people have not delivered the courier in 4 days to a 700km distance. Even the normal post would have delivered in this much time.On what grounds do you charge highly, if there is no accountability of delivery in commited time?20 Aug was local holiday for you21 Aug was weekly off22 Aug would again be weekly off23 Aug is a rest day24 Aug whats next?Dont take customers casually, Otherwise good companies will definitely take up your business.Regards, Deepak Agarwal**Domestic Shipment Tracking*
Consignment NumbersConsignment NumberBooking DateOriginDestinationStatusReceiver Name & ContactNumberDelivery StatusTime/ReasonDateA2748385119-Aug-2010hyderabadbangalorePendingweekly off21-Aug-2010Consignment Number: A27483851Date Serving LocationStatus19-Aug-2010HyderabadDespatched From Origin20-Aug-2010BangaloreArrived At Destination Hub20-Aug-2010Bangalorelocal holiday21-Aug-2010Bangaloreweekly off
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