Brand name is a state of mind & moolah. More a corporate entity spends on ads & sponsorship, more is its brand value image with the gullible consumer.
As a result consumers end up paying more for the higher ended product than a lower brand valued product with the same features. The price difference can be as much as 60 to 70% (e.g. compare prices of DV camcorders with nearly same features from Sony & Panasonic). Once you have bought the product, theres no going back. Its a vicious circle - consumers pay more to enable corporates to spend more to lure more such consumers. We fool ourselves and help the corporates fool others.
Personally, the cost & software hardware support I have received for my assembled PC was much better that the earlier Compaq PC. Brand value & assurance is just a myth. My aloo paratha & nimbu paani is any day better & cheaper than Branded items like Coke, KFC, Mcdonalds or Pizza hut. For me theres no such thing as Best Brands, its only Best con acts.