So here we start. something for someone whom I am yet to meet. someone who is gonna change my life forever.and me hers. There are a lot of things I have planned for her. and this is one of them. though I am a real bad I will more preferably play these for her rather than singing, lest she wants me to.
Not taking much time. I go for the revu.
- Song-Its Only words.
Superb song it is. the most romantic I ll say. Superb https://lyrics.though it will be everything I have for her. words just being the beginning.
smile an ever lasting smile
a smile can bring you near to me
dont ever let me find you gone
cause that would bring a tear to me
this world has lost its glory
lets start a brand new story
now my love
you think that I dont even mean
a single word I say
- Everything I do
Artist-Bryan Adams
For me he has been the king for all lovers. a superb song this one churned out by this great man. An ultimate to show your love and your beloved.
Look into my eyes - you will see
What you mean to me
Search your heart - search your soul
And when you find me there youll search no more
Dont tell me its not worth tryin for
You cant tell me its not worth dyin for
You know its true
Everything I do - I do it for you
- Friends-Title Song
Artist/Band- The Rembrandts
Though this might not be called a romantic song.but something that needs to be said to my beloved. it has to reach her .
Ill be there for you
(When the rain starts to pour)
Ill be there for you
(Like Ive been there before)
Ill be there for you
(Cause youre there for me too)
- Song-Every Breath u take
Superb song again.Evrytime refreshing you and telling you that there is someone who cares.Something my beloved needs to know.
Every breath you take
Every move you make
Every bond you break
Every step you take
I’ll be watching you
Every single day
Every word you say
Every game you play
Every night you stay
I’ll be watching you
- Song-Do I have to say
Artist-Bryan Adams.
If any one could feature twice in my list it had to be bryan admas. I do not have any words to say about his capability to woo the crowd.the emotions.
And here it goes.
This one is to tell that even I need you as my good and bad times. so please do not leave me alone.
Rescue me from the mire
Whisper words of desire
Rescue me - Darling rescue me
With your arms open wide
Want you here by my side
Come to me - darling rescue me
When this worlds closing in
Theres no need to pretend
Set me free - darling rescue me
So this completes my top list. choices may vary.
I chose these songs because they say evrything that I want to say to her.