Today is 22nd may, this year I’ve turned 22 years of age.
I’m again in state of confusion, have I lost an year from my childhood or have
I grown mature this year? Any wise person would prefer 2say~ I’ve grown
mature this year! should I be wise or honest?
Today, this morning, I’ve few reasons celebrate.
Firstly it’s my birthday, secondly MS has given me a star title and lastly today I want 2celebrate my Bday with MSians!
Since it’s 22nd may, I choose to thank 22 people & list down my **22
wishes. Hope you enjoy my treat! Don’t be caught in **CATCH22
situation(confusion) after reading!
Here’s the cake, n These’re my 22 candles
>>>>>>>> 22 people I want to thank true heartedly
1Suketu**~ For being such a good friend. No matter what the content is, u
read anything & everything that I write! I owe my thanks 2u Suketu. U were
the 1st person 2 trust in MS. 4me ure Mr. Modest. No
wonder why this chocolate boy was in hall of fame!
2 Nandita~ dearest Jewel friend u’re so close 2 my heart when it comes
to MS. I always think, u’re always there to rate, read n comment my reviews. I
find u so sweet 4 your sweet mails, M2M, comments, advices that u give
me like an elder sister. A sweet hug 2 my sis!
3 Dr. sudipto~ u are like a family doctor for MS family! I
adore u 4 writing such elegant& incomparable reviews, ur comments’re always
adding 2 my knowledge.
4 FE~ guru ji pranan! FE, u know why I adore u so much. Hilarious
reviews, gr8 chat-mate & a big entertainer. u manage things quite well. 4
me ure my guru ji at 1st sight.
5 Usman Bhai~MS has given me an imported brother right from
England. He’s a charm and a cool hunk of MS! thank you bro! lots of love! im with you, hope youre also with me;-)
6 Santhosh/
paulose~u remind me of my love towards my country! m also proud to be an Indian. glad 2 know sb loves his country! I find youre Mr. original !
7 Abha~u were 1 of the 1st few people who welcomed me on MS. Till
date I always look forward to ur comments. We share our blood group~
o+. Dearest Abha stay the way u’re, ur orkut profile is lovely & I wish u
tonss of wishes 4the new family member.
8 Shalini~ u’re the Barbie doll of MS. ur reviews, ur review
titles & commentsre sweet 2 a superlative degree. wish 2know u
9 Mani ~O Money, Mani I mean Manish;-) please lend me also some
money;-). On a serious note, ur commentsve always enriched my reviews, u
share not only ur personal experience but gave very informative facts about the
issue in question~ a sweet chat mate.
10 Cusion2~ Lyla o lyla you’re the grandmother of MS. Your huge
number of reviews reminds us all, that we’re kids in front of u. You’ve been
very consistent in rating my reviews & graceful in M2M, but where’re u
these days granny?
11 Mimi~ beauty comes in small packages. It goes true 4u. You’re
“chalta Phirta” newspaper of MS. My 1st love on MS. For all the updates
of MS, pls contact Mimi the sweetest kidowZZZ of MS. lolls.
12 Paul~ Dearest Paul though I’ve not read much of u(forgive me) but
trust me, u’ve always been the strongest source of my encouragement(though
secretly). “thank you” will be a very small word 4u
13 Pranay~You’re a very sweet chat~mate I’ve recently got on MS. We
share many things in common including our zodiac signs~Gamines. Pls wish him
on 31st may. Thank u Pranay 4 such lovely reviews n extra-sweet your comments. id again like to say, get rid of your wife;)
14 Ashish~ u call me “oxygen bar” of MS, u encourage me through M2M n
lovely comments; and here u don’t know how much I’m delighted;-)
15 Mr. Anil dhingra~ Sir u’ve always enriched & enlightened my reviews with ur
wonderful comments.Respect u a lot!
16 Cticize~ though he was the 1st person 2comment( unfortunately 1 time
wonder), I still cant forget him. His words encouraged me
from day 1. His TM “shatter some more keys” makes me smile!
17 Lavista~ u raise genuine points in the review & always try 2give
almost a new road & direction 2 review. u can even provide a touch of
drama/ scary’ness in the comment section.
18 Ateesh Dwivedi~ you’ve always given honest comments & good
advices 4 the betterment of my reviews. wish 2 read more of u.
19 Rohit Sharma~u’re certainly the best, gr8
comments! most entertaining MS profile! sweet person by heart, though I
hardly know anything about u, but I carry+ve viabs 4 u.
20 Sudhanshu~young MSian, yet 2
write, but I’m sure u’ll rock! I know u from an year n we get comfortable along.
21Shanti ~though we’re new acquaintances, yet I love u 4 ur
friendliness & 4giving me 2names in single day~ o2 n “century girl”
22 jasmine~ you can call her Police station, manager or owner of
MS. Some people needs no introduction but needs 2b thanked!
*Now the dance party
>>>>>>>>>> my 22 wishes*
- I wish 2make my parents feel proud of me 1day! Though its an overused
statement but parents‘re parents!
- I wish 2become spinster earning lots of money & fighting 4a good
- I wish 2get few gadgets like sony laptop, N95 my as next phone,
digital dairy, NOICE-less Ac and a home theater
- I wish **i could match FE 4 his hilarious writing style, Sudipto 4 his elegant writing
style, Pranay 4 his cuteness, Shalini & Abha 4 writing such good
comments, Lyla 4 her astronomical number of reviews and Lastly Suketu 4
being such a lovely person**!
- I wish Aajtak,
india tv, ibn7 gets banned 4 such weird quality news & 4 showing Crime
shows like “khabardar”, “Peheredar” and what not “DAR”
- I wish my brother stops fighting with me 4 silly reasons like using
his pen, taking few coins from his drawer, using his deo or playing with his
huge stamp collection;-)
7. I wish 2 be employed in a grand company with good package
- I wish Noram Lewis comes with his new edition of “Word Power Made
easy” and I get down to some serious studies
- I wish India wins WORLD CUP once in my life time
10.I wish few
issues like Kashmir issue, ceiling in Delhi, quota for SC/ST in education etc
etc … gets solved
- I wish Sidhu stops laughing so loudly 4 silly jokes, which at
times even fail 2 make me smile
- I wish Suketu gains some energy and stops saying im very
tired/ im feeling sleepy/ had a very hectic day nve week ahead/ I’m over
worked and have got 3 hours work at home etc~ God, he really makes me
feel unemployed
>>> see, here in the middle of my party these peoplere not even allowing me 2 write more word, when im full emotion and ive tried 2 shrink my words 2 minimum. I hope my english teacher never reads this review else shell faint~ 4 sure!
pls be kind enough to read on in comment section still to catch few more silly/spicy things