ScoottY ( Its me..! )
ScoottY the most interesting & famous id of mouthshut wich users happen to realize it since a long time. This user known to be an absolute useless in mouthshut loves all members of mouthshut. The mouthshut team still wonder on what basis this user rates/comments member reviews. About 90% of the total mouthshut members hates this member in all means...but in the other eye they loves him too. Members used to visit scoottys reviews not for rating/commenting or reading the reviews, that too was done after all, but they keep much importance for reading the comments of scoottys reviews you all know that scoottys review comment section is more interesting than reviews. Most members on mouthshut loves him because of his such interesting and idiotic comments.
ScoottY - how this id a raised !
ScoottY is not just an ID on mouthshut. There’s a lot behind the creation of this ID and I am not at all willing to disclose the story behind this ID.
ScoottY - ScoottY & Mouthshut !
The ScoottY struggled many times with mouthshut too...same as he struggle with members on commenting section. The mouthshut team chosen him as the star writer of mouthshut once, to be frank on what basis they did so that too he doesn’t knows & the very next day itself they took off the star writer status too. But the user scootty has no regrets at all..but he even struggled to mouthshut regarding that too & finally reminded mouthshut not to grand him star writer status in future too if he is worth for it.
Just a few days back the mouthshut administrators warned scootty not to argue with members on mouthshut via comment section and to stop copying reviews otherwise they will ban the ID. This happened many times too for scootty but each time scootty replied with genuine reasons. You know what was the reply for that to the mouthshut team from scootty, the reply was horrible...he replied to mouthshut team that you can barn me but should have a constant reason, and regarding the arguing, if any member argue with him then he will definitely argue with that member too & for that you can do anything, he don’t even mind.
Finally just a few days back I requested mouthshut to suspend my ID on mouthshut, but unfortunately they didn’t do that yet. May be I am the first member of mouthshut, who was requesting mouthshut to suspend my ID on mouthshut & that too was not done yet. I know I will get banned soon. But let me tell you members if I am here you members of moutshut wont get a good rating from me for your reviews because I have my own policies for rating/commenting reviews and no one will be able to bear that on mouthshut & my style of rating/commenting reviews...that I cant even change. In order to save u peoples of mouthshut I requested mouthshut to suspend my id but they haven’t done it yet. I don’t know why? This much only I can do it for you members...
ScoottY - Members comments @ ScoottY !
As u all know that ScoottY never ever used to rate/comment any reviews above average, none of the members on mouthshut likes me at all. So members used to comment/rate scoottys reviews badly and also used to call scootty with new nicks via comment section. These are the nasty description on scoottys reviews/comments from members...
Thakurman - called scootty as a jerk once
Missyindia - mentioned scootty as a human manifestation of unused fertilizer/ as a smelly regurgitated sweetheart / as a smelly little puke / my cuddly foul smelling sweetheart / Your kind of pseudo sophisticated, two faced, holier than thou IT key punching losers makes me wanna upchuck. You stink.
Radhika_23 - mentioned me as Mr.Crap / to get well soon. you have got some serious problem
Arjunkarpe -Mentioned me as a Goon.
Syeds - Commented..........this user is sick
Sourray - you are getting some serious backlash
Scoottykeemaa - mentioned on comment section as beta ye kya kar rahe ho ?chalo apni stationery kee dukan achche se chalao aur ye likhna wikhna band karo.Tumhari ...Maa
G-raptor - Commented....u preached! now practice!!! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Gunzi - Commented.... ’’kewl crap’’. do re me fa so la te do!
Asianunderground - Commented... Hey Mr. CEO, Are you listning Sir, its very hot in here, you better think and do something before it explodes.
psyxx- Commented... to complement my crappy writing... I also give out crappy ratings/you have some nerve to diss people who read reviews on music and movies
fast-turtle - Commented....I think you are biased
Amorfati - Commented...esta revisión se habría podido escribir en español....pero quién cuida
The-master . Commented... Hope you are banned asap.
14. Orknob- You definitely have a chip in your shoulder and enjoy brushing people in the wrong side. A disturbed childhood might be a reason or it just that you want to stand apart.Your view on women in particular seem to be from the jurassic era. In fact that explains your preference for history. Talking abour ego, yours seem to be larger than all the starwriters in MS combined.
Thakurman - Commented....I need to hit you with something., , , /You got a thick skull!/Man you scare me... You sound like an extremist to me.
Qwan - Commented...scootty as long as your are there nobody can ever dream of becoming a start writer as you rate everbodies review as Su or NU.
Afsara - strikes via M2Ms..
ScoottY - the fake ID scoottykeemaa
Someone on mouthshut did a big fun, created a fake id to rate/comment scoottys reviews and put those IDs in blacklist. This lines are for that great fun maker scoottykeemaa...
Maa...You did a big thing but u didn’t know that what u did to spoil my reputation & to see my destruction is ultimate failure u know that scootty is ever in all members blacklist only.Then whats the use of creating such a a fake ID & what can u do more than that?...heheehehe...tumhara beta...
WARNING: Mouthshut Copyright © violation
Mouthshut ID: scoottykeemaa
Reason: Multiple ID user of mouthshut.
Intention: To rate/comment all the reviews badly and put those reviews in bad ratings ever.
Description: The member IP address matches with other ID of mouthshut.
ScoottY- MY Own Words !
I am leaving mouthshut forever. I wont be back anyhow. Let the mouthshut come up and be more popular in media and webworld.I am winding up because if I will be there at mouthshut then I don’t think u peoples can be a star writer in future. I already tried my level best to get banned… but unfortunately they didn’t ban me. Even as I mentioned, I requested mouthshut to ban me but that too doesn’t happened. Bad luck !..This is my last review to all members of mouthshut...but this time too I don’t have any regrets & I didn’t even feel sorry at all to whatever I did on mouthshut. I am 100% right only. Good luck ! & Goodbye ! to all members of mouthshut & to mouthshut team.