Kare(i??)ena Kapoor : Heavens sake will somebody tell her that she is revolting to watch on screen. I think the media and we are on crack for calling her the NO.1 Heroine around.
All she can do is look snooty and stuck up (which I think she is in real life) and pass it off as acting.(please dont tell me its the characters she plays..) As for dancing, all she does is wriggle her half starved body.
Now, coming to clothing : Tarzan had more clothes on him than her.
I would give her the advice to get acting lessons, but then I wont cuz she has no talent.
Can somebody get this message across to her please : Stop taking advantage of your family name.
Shah Rukh Khan : One of the luckiest dorks around. I Am sorry folks, but he cant act and all he does is exaggerated body language for acting that any maniac or mentally imbalanced person from a mental asylum can do .. he may or may not be a nice individual, but he cant dance, he cant act and his voice is just about passable. And about charm and screen presence: what charm? What presence?
Alok Nath : Dont even get me started.. The goody -good guy is forever driving me up the wall with his insufferable dialogues and I-am-the-kindest-and-bestest-man-around actions and looks. Hes revolting to watch especially after HAHK as he seems to be suffering from its hangover. When he enters a scene, my heart sinks..and I pray for divine interference...thankfully it came pretty early in KKKG or I would have broken my neck while banging my head on a wall.
Johnny Lever : Seriously people, how can he ever be considered funny?Look at him again, okay granted hes the best looking man around.. but he cant act other than looking bug eyed...and lets not talk about his nightmarish voice...its quite bad for weak hearted people. its amazing sometimes, realizing how much a human being can drive somebody else up the wall..
I usually remain there unless he leaves the scene.
Aishwary Rai: Granted shes divinely beautiful and mesmerising to watch. But has anybody seen her act... In every movie, no matter whether shes a rape victim or a girl in love, she is still Ash, the gorgeous lady. She cant act, and for emoting she relies on glycerine and those well groomed eye brows..she raises them in that a irritating plea for pity that makes me want to do bodily harm to her. Her action is intolerable and I cant believe that she was liked in Devdas...first of all the movie was a blundering, pompous, show piece, and Ashs action was even more pompous and self congratulatory....(I could clearly see her dreaming about a possible award when she is supposedly crying her heart out )..I cannot believe it went to VIENNA!! It should have gone to a dump (if not for the amount of money spent on it...it could have fed an entire population in an African country..)