Hey friends Im here with you an review on flipkart a online shoping tool. I am personally useing flipkart from last 2 years and they are provideing the best offers and best deals on their product. This is the online shopping site which provides you stuff without including the shipping charge. Yes , they are providing their customers free shipping on assured goods.
Their are many such rumuors that flipkart is makeing fool of customer but thats not true. For example
Customers are ordering stuff without checking the return policy is provided by the seller or not and if the product uncertanly is not in the required condition . Then they directly blame flipkart but the actual fault is of teir only.
I had baught many of the stuff like laptop, smartphone, shoe, sandals and all of them were in the required condition since now. Its depends upon you to make a right choice while purchaceing any stuff online via flipkart.