I just ordered some stuff from Flipkart, I ordered on Saturday afternoon, and they shipped it YESTERDAY, ie. MONDAY! I couldn’t be happier!:) This means they must be working on Sundays as well, poor chaps.
I got SMSs telling me when they’re shipping etc., so I was updated every step of the way. I had some trepidations when paying, but I decided I should trust Flipkart, and would be satisfied with the fact that they won’t run away with my money, and, as you can see, I was right!:)
The only thing that bugs me with them and other sites like them, is, of course, they ripped off their entire idea from Amazon. Not only did they copy the Americans, they did it 10 years too late!:( This leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
But otherwise, highly recommended, everybody please use them.