Yes.the advertisement nowadays showing Fogg Scent is what made me buy a Fogg deodorant.
So far, I was with Nivea, Yardley for deodorants.Recently, I came to know a bit more about Fogg through adds and my friends.I decided to give it a try.
Its cost isnt much varying as compared to other known brands.I searched through Flipkart and decided to go with the Aqua black series.It was a 120ml bottle.
When I received and opened up the deo. The aromatic smell was just awesome! Being not a very impressive stats-man in describing all the different notes of a deo, I would say it simply-This brand is gonna compete with well known other brands! It has an amazing fragrance and helps to remove that bad odour during hot and moist surrounding atmosphere.
Although I havent tried for the summer seasons yet. But still I dont doubt the quality of this brand. All those who are looking for a nice fragrant deo will love this one. Pricewise, its almost the same as others, unless you have it in a offer online.