I buy this oil for my family. It is processed with High Absorbent Refining Technology. It is safe, pure and chemical free oil. It is rich in Omega 3 which keeps the heart healthy. It makes our skin healthy. This oil helps in maintaining strong bones. It also improves eye vision. I buy the 1 ltr pouch. 1 ltr costs Rs. 94 in West Bengal. It is very healthy oil. It produces good cholesterol and reduces the bad cholesterol levels. We doesnt not need much oil to cook any food. It has a neutral taste which is perfect for bringing out the full flavours of spicy India curries. This oil is helpful for baking too. It is light and odourless. Soyabean oil is extracted from Soyabeans. Soyabean oil is especially high in polyunsaturated fat, with 7.9 grams per 1 tablespoon or 58% of the total fat content. Polyunsaturated fats are considered healthy for us. Soyabean oil does not withstand high cooking temperatures well, so it is not a good choice for grilling or toasting. However, it works well for gentle sautes of either meats or vegetables, or even as a marinade for these foods prior to high heat cooking because it has a neutal flavour, soyabean oil may not be ideal for salad dressings, unless we want light flavour. We can use soyabean oil in foods that are highly seasoned, many ethnic cuisines. I refer this oil for everyone.