OK guys let me just warn you all about this racket going on at freekamaal.com. To begin with it is the most unreliable web site I have ever come across. Being an avid net surfer that I am, I have tried umpteen number of facilitations, products from various web sites but as it turned out freekamaal has been the dissapointment of the millennium.
Coming from candid marketing one would have logically expected an innovative idea or a great product, but I guess at the end of the day such companies cannot walk their talk.
Now, for those who would be wondering as to why am I writing with such a passion..the reason is not far beyond your imagination. I am one of the thousand (may be more)who have been fleeced of their hard earned money.
You know, the only good thing about these guys is that they deliver the product (of course after checking 50 times as to would u be available or will someone be available to give us our sorry 135 Rs). For the rest least said the better it is.
The concept rule requires you to login after every 12 hrs for u to register a visit..but push your luck much as you can, I bet 8 out of 10 times you will encounter some java script error, or some access problem or login failed query and as if all these are not enough to turn you down and if at all you manage to get close to the Target Visits there would be one fire wall staring at your face asking you to go to a physical store in some locality to check the model numbers and stuff like that before you proceed with the visit.
Eeeesh what a let down it can be..i mean they actually expect me to go all the way to some obscure shop and check out model numbers and all..
Ok never mind the trouble of going there let me tell you about there response time...it can put any government machinery to shame... I have submitted 6 feedbacks in the last 15 days and not even a single word so far..seems like they have run out of money to pay for the response service....
I only wish that the guys over there somehow manage to read this review and put an end to this scandal which is as big as tehelka.coms defence crack down (atleast for me!)
I hope this will suffice the request posted on this site...and yes I have till date not heard of any winners..their winners gallary is still being created!!!!!