The staff is extremely rude. Price is exorbitant. There are many reasonably priced hotels in the area. Stay away from this resort. Not worth the high price that they charge. The food is lousy. The staff is extremely egoistic & high handed.
The general attitude is as if to say that we have enough business & do not require any more. No self-respecting tourists should venture into staying with these people. If you wish to get insulted yes please do go ahead, pay up the ransom & get insulted in the bargain. Resorts like these should not be patronized. Although the location is good, cottages are mediocre, poorly furnished, ill maintained & definitely not worth the price. There is no laundry, linen is not changed daily, food is lousy & you are not supposed to ask questions.
The ego stems from the fact that the location is good, there aren’t many resorts in the region, & hence the situation becomes somewhat monopolistic since you do not have many options to turn to. But with best western group getting into Ganapatipule, many other professional hotel groups should follow suit & we should be able to exercise our choice to get quality services for the right price. Until then we should shun away such unprofessionally managed resorts who do not value their client.