Dear Gator:
Thank you so much for coming into my life. Before you, I was always forgetting my passwords. Now you are there for me. Always remembering the passwords, account numbers, and member IDs that want to fade from my memory. You are faithful to me and only me. Never will you share my information with others.(Secure site.) It is so nice to have such a true friend.
You are there for me when I want to fill in those forms for yet another pay to surf. You remember places I have come to and forgotten all about. You never let me down when I want to join another program. You know just where I live, my phone number, yes; my most personal information. What did I ever do with out you!!
When ever I need you, Gator, you are there. Yet when I am not in need, you are off on your own. Hidden in the deepest parts of my computer. Waiting patiently until I call on you. Ah if only all my friends were so faithful.
It did not take us long to get to know each other on that fateful day. Only three minutes and you were mine forever. You brought with you many great gifts. Coupons that I could use on the internet. It was $100.00, if my memory servers me. But then, I do not need it to because that is why I have you. Once in a while you visit me, wanting to share more gifts. You are always a welcome sight and are dear to my heart.
Gator, I would miss you, if you suddenly went away. I miss you on those few times that you were to busy to come out and play. I had to rack my brain and try to remember those things I wanted to know. Finally I would give it up and wait until you could go.
So, Gator, never leave me. Always be my friend. Remain true to me, until the very end.
Your friend,
P.S. I wrote this review quite some time ago and just did not get around to typing it in and posting it. Gator disappeared for a while and I forgot my password.. In the last months my Gator has not been as faithful to me as I once had thought. There are many times when I want to fill out a form and he is nowhere to be found. Where did he go? I relied on him for my every password and did not always save my introductory e-mail. And now, he comes only when he chooses. Where did he go?
My Gator has also all of a sudden doubled the amount of those sometimes annoying pop-ups. I try to read and rate and he comes to me with all of his advice on where to buy. Why does he not come out when I call on him? Is he now only there to annoy me? Does he really want to help me or just drive me crazy with all of those pop-ups? Gator, when I want to buy, I will call on you. Please help me in the way that you used to or I might as well just give you the boot and send you back to the Everglades where you belong.