This super car at even 143000 is one fast fun car to own! tight suspention, great handling! great power! bucket seats all around full options, great ground effect! bought this car used and although I had to replace the charging system, its ride and reliability has been wounderful! sterio system great as well.this car is sporty not made for families, as seating in this one is 4, bucket seats, nice looking car, 24 valve, lots of get up and go power up and down hills, may not be a mustang 5.0 but still I definatly prefere this ride over a mustang. although street raceing is dangerous, or illegal I have done some in this car as I constantly get challenge by many makes and models and so far I have not lost one! lol. I bought this car for its sporty look, size and handling, this is an extra special car! will not part with it until it completly dies out! as mentioned even with so many miles on it the engine drives and sounds brand new!