Reminders to gain success in Life!
1st reminder - Handle with Care the word - Sorry!
Sorry is not a word to say everywhere by committing all mistakes. Now a days its common among people that peoples commit mistakes most often and use the word sorry & escapes. Do you think its right? Not at all. Never ever. because sorry is the word supposed to use when a person commit small mistakes accidentally. For ex: Suppose a person walking in the street happen to hit another person, speaking strange words and making someone get angry etc. in such cases we can use the word sorry because those mistakes happens accidentally and are apologized. So just think one thing. If you kill a person and you are taken to the court, when the judge ask you whether you committed the mistake, the culprit is answering yes and finally a apologize to the mistake he did by telling to the Judge a sorry and I never ever repeat this. Does the court let you free? No. never ever! That’s what peoples are about to think, in such cases sorry doesn’t works at try to avoid committing mistakes & saying the word sorry the maximum you can.the maximum you avoid telling sorry the maximum you gain success in life.
2nd reminder - The role of Education in life!
Now a days peoples are not much interested in having education. Most of the peoples gains an average education and finally goes into self business and all. Education doesn’t means that a person should have education for having a good job or earning lots of money. But peoples usually says so & without education no one can have a good life, that’s what peoples concept. Its totally a false statement because there’s a lots of peoples in this world who doesn’t have much education but still millionaires. So what you have to think is that education is only for giving you knowledge on how to give respect & take respect, how to think etc.
There’s a say that " a good brain is more enough than anything". Its a true word because if you have got a good brain then it more than enough because there even if a lack of education also doesn’t matters, already it was proved by many famous peoples in olden times. Uneducated peoples still in the world are making extraordinary ideas and did many things too. There education stands still, but the brain works. that’s the difference. So in order to have an intelligent brain try to grab the maximum knowledge you can. As you know that "Gaining knowledge is never ever a loss".
3rd reminder - Education and Brilliance!
You have seen many peoples in this world having lots of post graduation degrees and certificates, but no use at all. doesn’t have a brain. that’s why? There what’s the use of education? absolutely no use, just for idle.but education and brilliance together plays a great role and even brilliance also does better than education in such cases. Most of the peoples coming to read this review may be a post graduate, or at least a graduate but most ones wont have a brain you know & l can prove it her.May be you are thinking how’s it possible. Just watch this? I am going to ask you five question lets see who all will answer. Most educated ones stands idle. It already happened many times in my life when I asked to many.
1st question - Tell 3 sentences starting with . I is? ( I am a boy, I was in London. like that starting with I is.?)
2nd question - Tell me a sentence having 3 times because on it? The sentence should have the word because like this. because because because.
3rd question - You peoples are familiar with laser lights. Right! So define LASER?
4th question - Where is the bank of kochi?
5th question - Achus father has four sons, the first one name is south, the second one north, third one east and the fourth one name is?
See the above questions, I know most educated peoples wont answer all these questions without referring the books, without asking others etc. But the first question is just even an LKG student can answer but that too I have asked to many educated ones and I didn’t get answers at all, so that shows education doesn’t make much sense & doesn’t plays much role in this present world.if you are brilliant that’s more than enough."an intelligent brain is more enough than anything".so gain knowledge the maximum you reading books, traveling etc…”Gaining knowledge is never ever a loss” and that’s what which brought me up to the present level.
1st question answer: I is the first letter in the word INDIA.I is the 9th letter in English alphabets, I is a vowel.
2nd question answer: More than 2 times in a sentence we cant use the word because because because is a conjunction.
3rd question answer: LASER- Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
4th question answer: The bank with the name the "bank of kochi" is located in Japan.
5th question answer: Remember that achus father is having 4 sons, so the fourth one name will be definitely achu.(not west)
4th Reminder - Help!
Now a days most one will have friends but most one will be having a helping mentality too. But help are of different types. Helping a poor by giving medicine, by giving money, by protecting him/her etc. Here the 2nd one creates most trouble in life and spoils most of the world peoples relationship. That means helping by giving money. You can help others even your intimate friends but one thing not by giving money but by the rest of the way. Money help spoils mostly 99% relationships, so never ever give money to others especially big amounts. If you give means give it totally free, so that you don’t want to go behind that in future. That’s my policy in giving money to others. Help the poor by giving some money totally free or help a beggar or handicapped person if you have the capacity, such help never ever be a loss in life because the almighty(god) is watching all these, so surely you will get return in other means from him in your life. So remember try to avoid helping others by giving money.
5th Reminder - Belief!
Never believe anyone in life. Because the present world is something strange. Always keep a 50/50 policy that, only believe a person 50% the rest 50% should be kept free. Because one day he/she will definitely cheat us, so that day we wont get fooled, so believe all 50% only. The rest 50% means you have to keep an eye on him/her, then you will definitely gain success in life.
These are the 5 reminders which always keeps me happy & safe life long. So remember all my lines and never ever forget it, keep it in your mind lifelong….