Although I have never had a horrible problem with acne, I have struggled with breakouts since I was about 14. I am now 23 and I still break out from time to time. Having zits on your face is an embarrassing thing. I work in a professional environment, and it is difficult to take me seriously when Im breaking out like a Jr. High student.
My mom always felt sorry for me because I would cry a lot from shame. I hated the imperfections in my skin. She took me to the dermatologist about two or three times within 4 years. We tried every prescription drug out there for acne. Nothing worked. The medicine from the dermatologist made my skin red and peely and caused me to be sensitive to the sun. I used to live near the beach, so that was not a good situation for me.
About a month ago, I was at Walmart buying a few items. I had a small breakout and I wanted to get something, anything to cure it. I was in the facial care isle and I happened to see Zapzyt. The packaging is kind of cheesy looking. It looks like a scam, or like something you would purchase from an infomercial. Since I had already tried everything else in that section and it was only$4, I decided to give it a try.
The next day my face was clear. Since that day, I have been putting Zapzyt all over my face each night. And the result is no more breakouts!
My roommate had a zit before an important event so I had her put some Zapzyt on her zit and it was gone within hours.
Its amazing.
You can buy it at most drugstores.