I have bought this handset Gionee F103 Pro couple of month back, I must say I never thought I ll get so amazing response with this handset, it is very handy handset anyone easily can use this I think company have fitted live soul of human I mean whenever and whatever you want to open this handset already assume and read your expectation act according them marvelous handset indeed!
it has curve core and very antique handset style which looks awesome in each manner, wonderful feature are inside the handset which came to asses after only its purchase .
I am not very much sure about its durability because I have purchased it recently from the shop so as of now I am unable to say about its durability one more important thing company gives time to time online update which very very great initiation and anybody can update its new version through online once this handset updated by new version as now marshmallow app is there inside.
some negative points of this hand set 1- capacity of battery is poor, after few months uses handset became slower, cost is high, old processor used, RAM is only 3Gb, and some new feture may evolved to looks more awesome