I have been a Tea Tottler all my life and one tea that I have never been able to change has been GIRNARs - Royal Cup Tea. Say Strength, Flavour, Aroma, Colour it has got it all. I was in Coimbatore recently where I had been to an Exhibition and what surprised me was Girnars stall, they were launching their products in Coimbatore. I heard this lady describing the Royal Cup Tea to have a fantastic Texture, I dont know if quality of tea is also seen by the texture, but she was very happy with the way the granules appeared to her eyes.
She said the appearance was just fantastic and then she had no words to say, later on, when she tasted the tea sample that they were supplying. I get up in the morning to taste a good cup of tea, that keeps me charged for the whole day, I just thank GIRNAR for making my day, everyday. Also try GREEN TEA by GIRNAR its really good.