Friends, Gold Quest/Questnet is a mere cheating site.
This should not be considered as business.
GoldQuest/QuestNet makes the bottom line people at the pyramid to loss their whole money. A few people in higher layers gain something. The major sum of money is swallowed by the company.
Goldquest or Questnet can’t be compared with a normal business or trade.
Some businesses work for win-win relationship with their clients. Some businesses do some add-on to gain their profit. Some business charging more from their clients but the client knows very well what he gets for the money that he pays. In this case buyer may need the product for his consumption and there is no alternative than to pay more.
Multi-level marketing is not good for consumer, as the product is sold at higher cost than its worth, it is exploiting relationship/friendship for paying more money. Ex.Amway. Even this can be acceptable because the loss is not much except paying little more for the product that is consumed. The above types come under business category and are acceptable in the market for the consumers.
But fooling the bottom layer with huge loss can’t be considered either under multi level marketing or under any kind of normal business.
Goldquest / Questnet are mere cheating, of- course cheat a large number of people by showing gain to a few at the top layer. These cheaters know to bring in highly educated financial experts, lawyers, judges, famous actors and actresses into their loop just to use their influences/images to cheat the general public.
The court bans a company by recording them as cheaters. But the same people started their operations again with a different name to cheat the general public. Those who lost also, lost their money because of their desire to earn quick money. Some are forced to get in to the business because of ignorance. Some just follow their celebrities and educated people at the top layer, believing that they may be right. Money should not be earned by cheating your own friends and relations, where you kill the relationship and the friendship. Dont venture into these kind of fraud operations. Avoid Gold Quest , QuestNet type of activities.