Guys, its so easy to point fingers at someone, especially if u find something negative. Thats whats just happened with Goldquest.
When it was running successfully, people found it too good to be true and when one person comes up and says its bad, the whole world backs him up. So sad!! People cant or dont want to see the full picture. In the very first place, people want to make money without twitching a finger. They want their money to grow multiple times without even the slightest effort but sadly they are living in an illusion. As a longtime member and sincere follower, I have never found Goldquest members forcing anyone into the business and if u were forced into in without fully understanding the business module, then you are at fault. If u spend hours to find a decent piece of clothing, then why not spend few days to understand a new concept called MLM??
As long as I am concerned, if a system has worked for one person then it can work for anyone, as long as they putting the same amount of effort and confidence. I have seen so many people lose lakhs of rupees in chit funds and the stock market but losing a few thousands of rupees and they crib that they have lost all their fortune!!! Please look at the system and try and see where you have gone wrong.
Goldquest is sitting on one of the best business plans tht I have ever come across..Please feel free to get back to me for more details!! Am all ears!