Hi friends, I have been using Good Knight Advanced for 3 months now in my home. But it is unfortunately not very effective against mosquitoes. In my home, every evening a large number of mosquitoes enter and cause irritation to my family members. Many members have suffered from mosquito bites and hence I went to the market to buy this product. The salesman told me that it will give me relief from mosquito bites. So, I bought it continuously for 3 months and yet no relief. Mosquitoes have adapted to the smell of the good knight advanced system. They do not get killed even after hours of operation of the Good Knight system. It is user friendly and not toxic to humans. It is very easy to plug into switchboards and use it. But in terms of results, it is worthless. Mosquitoes keep moving in the room freely all the night and we have to use mosquito nets to sleep. This system is of no use and a waste of money.