Play Store is a great platform for people to download and upload apps and games that could help the community. You can easily trust Google Play Store before downloading any apps or games as it assures that whatever you download is completely safe which is not the case in while downloading an apk file. The layout of the app is really simple and it is very easy to operate it also you can get millions of option to choose from so you can compare the rating and choose your desired option. You get all the basic features like downloading and according to your downloads they create your recommendation where they give option where there are similar apps that you may like.It is very easy to use and understand but there are some issues like if the developer has to put his/her app on Play Store then they will have to pay $25 dollar which would be a lot for just publishing the app. If the price would have been low around $10 to $15 then it would have been really great but overall its a great app you could have as it provides you a lot of options to choose from and you can download it.