I watched it first in the theater, and I thought it was all right. I cant say that I liked it better than the first one because I didnt. It was WAY TOO LONG. I couldnt sit still! I mean, Ive been reading the Harry Potter series (now waiting for the 5th installment) but there was a lot I felt as though we were missing out on.
I wanted to see more development regarding the school. There wasnt really much about House points (something that was really emphasized in the first movie). Dumbledore was a cooler character in the books--more humorous than dignified. I watched the DVD, and some of the parts that they decided to cut were really integral to the development of the next books.
I was disappointed to see Ron portrayed as just Harrys dumb little sidekick. From the books, hes more than just that--theyre equals. Ron may be the comedy relief, but it makes me uneasy to see him running around like a headless chicken.
It starts off pretty sluggishly at first, and doesnt really jump in until about half-way through.
It was really funny to me to see that the actors really grew up. Theyre supposed to be 12 years old in The Chamber of Secrets, yet theyve grown so much taller and Rons voice is cracking humorously. They look more like 15 than 12! Yet when the next movie(s) comes out, I hope that they keep the same actors.
My favorite part is when Lucius Malfoy, Hagrid, Dumbledore, some wizard from the ministry Harry, and Ron are all in Hagrids hut. I wont tell what happens, but its FUNNY.
(And to all the Oliver Wood fans: Hes hot and still there in a couple fo scenes!!!)