Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
The third installment of JK Rowlings Harry Potter series is by far the most accurate translation from book to film, making it the darkest and the most touching of the three releases. Unlike the first two, the special effects and makeup in Prisoner of Azkaban are much more realistic, so parents of young children should be aware before bringing them to see this movie. The special effects in Socerers Stone and Chamber of Secrets were not very realistic almost cartoon-like and great for the younger movie viewers; but not so for the older more discriminating movie watchers.
I enjoyed this movie more than the first two for this reason and because the story details didnt shift away from those found in the book. Harry Potter takes place in world of wizards and mystical creatures and should be convincing for the older crowds. As exemplified by the LOTR Trilogy, the realistic effects and true-to-the-book story proved this point - real and accurate translation works.
When you compare the quality of the centaur in Sorcerers Stone to that of the hippogriffe in Prizoner of Azkaban, youll see the drastic difference in the quality.
For those of you who havent seen or read Prisoner of Azkaban, dont read any further.
The story starts off as usual, with Harry suffering the intolerable conditions at the Dursleys home on Privet Drive before school begins at Hogwarts. Aunt Petunia comes to visit and pushes Harrys threshold for abuse when she insults his parents, resulting in a magical incident where Aunt Petunia gets blown up and floats away. Harry runs away from home and gets picked up by the Night Bus that takes him to the Leaky Cauldron.
The next morning, he meets Ron and Hermione and they board the Hogwarts Express. On their trip to Hogwarts, the train stops and a Dementor makes its way to Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Professor Lupin (who has been asleep the whole time). The Dementor attacks Harry but is repelled by Professor Lupin with a patronus charm. From there, we learn that Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban and the Dementors are looking for him.
I wont reveal much more, but say that the movie is excellent with big name actors joining the cast, such as Emma Thompson and Gary Oldman.
I highly recommend reading the book and seeing the movie to understand how true to the book it is for better appreciation.
One last comment -- Richard Harris was the best Dumbledore; and Im sad that he passed away.
Returning Cast
Harry Potter: Daniel Radcliffe
Ron Weasley: Rupert Grint
Hermione Granger: Emma Watson
Professor Severus Snape: Alan Rickman
Rubeus Hagrid: Robbie Coltrane
New Cast
Headmaster Albus Dumbledore: Michael Gambon
Professor Lupin: David Thewlis
Professor Sybil Trelawney: Emma Thompson
Sirius Black: Gary Oldman