My Quaker Parrot speaks to me!
I have a Beautiful Green Quaker Parrot.
His name isOtis he is approx 2 yrs old.
Parrots enjoy interaction with their humans, they can get cross if they
are left alone for long periods of time.
If a person decides to take a Bird into the home
as a companion pet, be prepared to give it plenty of attention.
I see people buying a bird, putting it into a cage,
giving it some seed and water, and very little else.
A Bird left in its own habitat(the wild)
will have a very varied(perhaps short) but interesting life.
The Birds that are bred for Pets, still have a need for more than sitting alone
in a cage with nothing to do, but peck a few seeds all day.
First of all make sure that your cage is large enough for your bird
to move around comfortably.
If you have a Parrot type bird, the cage should have enough
space so that the bird can climb up and around.
Fill the cage with LOTS of TOYS, not just one perch, or one swing.
Buy, or make, interesting hanging toys, so that your bird will not get bored.
Parrot birds, love to re-arrange and chew their toys so wood or plastic toys are best.
Old, Baby teething rings are a good choice.
Fresh clean water every day, is a must,
also a Top quality Seed, for your type of bird.
Birds do not live on seed alone! You should
feed your Parrot some People food, every day.
In the wild, Birds gather seeds, worms, and vegetation.
We should give them a tiny piece of beef, chicken or fish, perhaps a little rice
and some vegetables and fruit every day.
Next, please keep the cage CLEAN! change the paper in the bottom of the tray every day.
Wipe down, (everyday) the rungs and perches, keeping them free of droppings.
Once a month, take the cage outside and scrub it really well.
Last but not least. Talk to your pet everyday, they will respond to you with love.
They didnt ask to come into your life, you brought them there,
dont just leave them in solitary confinement.
They will love you in return, and perhaps talk to you!
Never give a Bird Chocolate or Avocado it is Toxic.