I am a looser, fooled by marketing gimmicks from a private bank HDFC recently. I am taking time to write in this e-media in multiple places to create awareness and prevent many such from getting fooled. Need a Home Loan= Just approach a Nationalized Bank Near Your House!
HDFC home loans sales tactics will floor you. Professionally looking guys, dropping in to your door step, collecting documents multiple times - Wait! Dont fall for these! Your ordeal will start once your cheque for pre-processing is taken! Its 11K my dear friend! Govinda.Govindaaaaa! Now you run behind these useless team of sales, processing etc. You will loose time, effort and money in the process. HDFCs processing team SUCKS! Inexperienced and non-supportive!
THEY WILL GO TO HELL - I BLESS THEM NOW!After wasting a full 2-3 months, I decided to approach CANARA BANK near my house. No AIRCONDITINED office, but people were helpful. They were not wearing tie and shoes, but the team was there to care you! They will talk like Uncle and Aunt, and I am sure will be there to help you in the approval process the same way! WHAT A HUMAN TOUCH and service.(I was astonished when the lady in this branch even gave me a NEW YEAR calendar when I met them).Freinds.
Spread this word! I promise you, well help so many other fellow Indians. Come back to reality. Private banks charge you for the perfumes those sales people use, air-conditioning they enjoy and MBAs they pay! JUST PAY FOR THE SERVICE AT NATIONALIZED BANKS.