I have had not so great experiences with this bank but these incidents were shockers:
Incident 1: I went to the ATM(attched with the PVR Saket Delhi Branch). There are two ATM Machines there so there was me and one more person at the other machine.
There were two people trying to deposit cheques(writing out the details) and suddenly there were two more people in the atm behind me and the other guys at the atm machine.
One of guys was talking on his mobile and the other was wearing a HELMET!
So there were 6 people in that atm, when I asked them to wait outside till we finished our transactions they did not respond.
When I stepped out to tell the guard he was busy helping people park ther two -wheelers. There were two more guards just looking on.
I spoke to the Branch Manager about it and he said I cant do anything about it as the atm is not under my control. Well what could I say after that?
Incident 2: Since the branch is close to my home and I already have an account there my husband suggested I get a locker for myself in the same place.
I was already skecptical about it but when I went there on a saturday person in charge asked to come on monday morning. I asked him what the prequisites were so that I could go prepared.
I went there today and he said its compulsary that I have some investements with them. I said that as far as I know that is not a requirement for a locker to which he hemmmmed and hawwed then said I need to replenish my account at least to which I replied I normally maintain a minimum balance and besides that its my salary account.
I said I have put in a cheque to which his reply was that when the cheque gets cleared we might consider. I was still ok with that(altough he had wasted my Monday Morning)
The shocker came when I went to see the locker area. Normally the locker areas are entirely seperate with only one staff who mans the lockers sitting there.
But here was a fair happening. Three Investment bankers with six customers another table with three office boys sitting and fooling around. Their storage area right next to the lockers entrance door and another two people in the storage.
There were 14-15 people in an area where people would access their most precious and valuable things what an irony! My stuff would be more safe in a shoe box at home.
I just took the cue and have decided not to go back there.
To all those who still have any guts to go ahead all the best.