Before starting my review, let me put here that I purchased one splendor in 2003 that is still loyal to us. My cousin is using it and its still the same, good performer as it was in 2003.
Now few days back, my dad has bought one splendor plus for himself as its a light-weight and mileageeeeeeeeeeeeer. Let me describe in points what bike is worth n what not:
The bike has been yeilding 60 km/litre since the beginning. The mileage will definitely improve
with services getting done.
Its decent, simple sleek design has always been applausible.
Reliable and very comfortible for daily run in a crowded city like Delhi.
Self-start option is not available in Splendor. I WONDER why the company can provide it in
CD Deluxe, Passion, Splendor NXG but NOT in the legendery Splendor.
Will keep updating my experiences as I encounter.