I like Hero maestro edge vx because maestro edge look is most advanced. He look stylist and dashing scooter in India. This scooter look very different then other Indian scooter. I like Hero Maestro then other scooter because Hero maestro made in Indian and this scooter deigned by Indian automobile derringer. In this scooter maximum part made by Indian companies. Hero is first advance Indian scooter.
Maestro edge fuel consumption is really good. This scooter take good millage as advance engine deign.
Maestro edge take 55 kilometer per litter millage in city and highway millage is 60 kilometer per litter. On the highway ride speed 40 to 50 kilometer per hour nonstop your maestro take 60 kmpl mileage. When your ride in city scooter take 53 to 56 kilometer per litter because scooter speed not properly stable by speed barker traffic signal. dull and sleepy and poor condition rode.
Maestro comfort is good because this advance is feature in this scooter for good comfort. Smooth riding. This scooter sit is large for dabble site and comfortable ride. This scooter fuel tank hole behind this scooter thats way when fill the petrol you site on your scooter.
This scooter reliability is very good. This scooter tyer deigned is most advance thetas way scooter properly stay on the road. This scooter tyer grip is very strong on the road for fast riding.
When I first time ride on the maestro I relay feel the josh because this scooter handling and control is good and many. Scooter accelerator is very smooth. Handle is smooth and scooter weight is light when ride very fast.
The most advance of this scooter deign. Its look like most dashing shiny and advance then other scooter. And many feature in this scooter for attracting other.