Ever since I saw the movie Stigmata(the movie has All is Full Of Love on it) I have fallen in love with her music. One day I had some money and I bought this CD along with a Dashboard CD.
The Cover
You can see it up in the little picture. Its a very creative digital picture of her. This CD is Homogenic.
The Music
The first song, Hunter has great back vocals and beautiful strings. Its catchy yet peaceful. The next song, Joga is really beautiful, Bjorks voice really shines in this song. Her tone of voice is steady and strong. Again beautiful strings. Some sample lyrics from this song are:
all that no one sees
you can see
whats inside of me
every nerve that hurts you heal
deep inside of me... The end has a cool almost techno part in it.
The next song, Unravel is too soft for me, but her voice is beautiful. If you want to calm down, listen to this song.
Bachelorette, my favorite song on the CD, has AMAZING lyrics, Bjorks beautiful voice, piano, strings and woah. Her voice is soft but has such an impact on me because of the way she sings. Just woah.
Neon Likecool instruments. Not catchy enough for me..but I listen to this song if I want to chill.
5 Yearshas a kind of raspy rap feel to it. Interesting.
Immature has neat vocals and instruments. You dont hear much of Bjorks strong voice.
Alarm Callwhich I think is an awesome name for a song, is really techno and remix-ee. Im not crazy about it.
Pluto, another one of my favorites is fast and catchy. It has techno beats and I am in love with this song.
All is Full of Love is simply a classic.
Overall, this CD is good. It has enough good songs to buy it. I am looking currently looking around for more Bjork CDs.
Give it a try.