Every women, in a travel, in a relationship, in monitory matters or even while using a Cosmetic product, looks for safety and comfort. When I took a test drive for the Activa 4G before buying I experienced this safety and comfort. I did not give a second thought and bought Activa 4G.
Everyday I start late from home to office in a confidence that, even if I am little fast that will be safe enough to travel in my Activa 4G. In the beginning everyone where showing signs to me on the road for notifying the headlight which is always on. But I cross all of the tress-passers with a pride.
I was first disappointed with regard to the mileage but after my first service my Activa gave me good mileage. Even below the economy level of oil I can always rely on my Activa.
When there was a heavy rain in my city and 1/3 th portion of my Activa was drowned, but still when every other vehicle holders where trying hard to start their moped I just started in one push and flew.
Thank you Activa 4G.