Hi guys., Today im sharing Honda CB shine 125cc bike my own experience to all.First of all in this segment125cc this is the best choosing bike, all are very much interest to choose this bike because of this bike
revaluation is high compare to others brand bikes. My own experience first of all this bike is heavy compare to other brand 125cc bikes so handle also little bit heavy. shine pickup is very good, low maintenance . But its not fuel efficiency.
im only getting 43khms /ltr petrol. its almost 4 years old from first service it giving only 40 kms /ltr every time serving service man saying next time will get more mileage but not yet get mileage more than 43khms/ltr. It have another problem that is CHAIN problem. every time chain will get loose and give sound .
so guys once you want to choose this bike, check this review of mine and choose your bike,