Where do I start?
I thought Hostonce had value when I initially signed up with them, but when I recognized that downtime (yes - my website was inaccessible) 50% of the time - basically 50% uptime - I decided I could hold out a little longer. Yes - I actually did have faith in the company.
BUT when they LOST - yes - completely lost their MYSQL server that hosted all their databases - including one I dependend on for my website, I lost it.
WHY did they not have a backup of some sort?
UPTIME and RECOVERY/BACKUP is NON-existent with this company.
I was SUPER ticked off to say the least - so I simply switch to a different host provider - discountasp.net.
Well, all was fine and dandy - I thought as I requested that HostOnce switch the DNS settings to my new provider.
They replied and said it was done and would propogate 24-48 hours. (1 year ago).
So - Im thinking - hey this is great. They are OUT of my life.
Come to find a year later - and they never made the switch AND my domain had expired.
I looked at the DNS settings through WHOIS or NIC.COM and was disappointed.
It still had HOSTONCE listed and the DNS settings were not changed.
All I could think of was - WHY DON"T YOU GUYS JUST LEAVE ME ALONE.
Get me my dns settings and LEAVE ME ALONE.
So I log back into their control panel - with my login credentials from way before - (Thank Goodness) and basically LOST it.
I am awaiting their response at the moment and my website is complete inaccessible.
How do I feel?
If this company was in the U.S, I would completely go postal on them.
They are completely incompetent, unavailable bunch of morons who cannot do their jobs.
Damn lucky, you all dont have a phone number.
Would I recommend HOSTONCE?
Not on your life.