It was just one year ago my agony started with If I were to give you all the details I would be writing here for hours. I initially had two accounts with them. I will say they have given me more agony in one year than any other company or person in my life ever has. I will just list some of the major problems.
1) I asked them to register a name for me and for several days they didnt act on it. After email after email no-one there replied to me. They had my money! And wouldnt you know it someone else registered the name it before they did. They wouldnt refund my money they would only allow me to try another name.
2) Once I did get another name. The servers were always down. And I meal always! no one could acces my web site. I understand that now this problem has been rectified after I suffered for six months of down time. OH DID YOU KNOW THIS COMPANY IS IN AUSTRALIA?
3)Watch out for their terms of service. If they register a domain name for you they wont transfer it to you. Acording to their TOS terms of service they dont have to at least not for six months.....over a year later and im still waiting and fighting.
4) Oh, did I mention that wont transfer MY DOMAIN NAME TO ME. That which is rightfully mine. Now im in a situation where they are holding my domain name hostage. Blackmailing me into paying high fees to get it....should I pay them more money? and wonder if they will allow my domain name to be transfered out?
5) Warning: They are in kahootz with / that is the registrar out Miami that they use.
I just cant say enough bad things about these people to make me any less angry. I have tons of money time and pasioin tide up in my web site and they are holding it ransom to blackmail more money out of me.
For now Ill catch my breath before I return to the battle!
Kevin ODonnell