HostOnce... are the company who host my and a friends company.
All I can say is, HostOnce is awful. Takes them days to reply to your problems. And most of the time these problems are never resolved. Mostly replies consist of :
We cannot fix this problem or its your script error
They have not configured PHP correctly. So most PHP Scripts do not work at all. We have had to move most of our PHP files to places where they should not be at all.
We get constant PHP errors.
ASP Doesnt work. They dont give you simple paths to directorys to even try and get your scripts to work.
Fast & Reliable it is not. Id rather host my site of my 56K Modem than be hosted with these total idiots.
The FTP upload speed is usualy so slow it would be quicker to send a cd to them to put it on the server.
Half of them do not know what they are talking about.
I submitted a help ticket concerning the PHP configuration, and they replied with :
im sorry we cannot help you with your scripting problems..... My scripting problems.. How about your incapability to configure things properly !
We cant even have index.php as a main page becasue they dont know how to set things up.
I also requested a DNS Information change on the 4th February. Its now 29th April... And I am still waiting.
There reply to my first request was It has been requested and will be completed in 48 hours. Well im certainly glad I didnt hold my breath. 2 MONTHS!! 2 GOD DAMN MONTHS YOU INCOMPETENT PRICKS!
Thanks alot ! You have cost alot of valuable time and money on our extremely limited budget.
And after all of this total hell. We dont get a refund. Just one more thing I would like to add that is quite important.
Unless my eyes play tricks on me, Their Terms Of Agreement has changed twice since we have been hosted with them in the last few months.
What a total mistake these guys are. If there is any possible way we can take legal action, and there is enough of us to make something stick. Then lets do it.
You can email me at :
(If it works), If not you can email me here :
----------------------- EDIT ----------------------------
Just thought I should update you guys on whats going on for
Well to put it bluntly, we are screwed. They now have decided that a DNS change will not be done until you have been withe them for 6 months. Even though they had told me that it had already been requested.
You also have to be with them for 1 year until they even release your domain. So everyone might aswell say goodbye to Gamers - Link before it even gets off of the ground.
My dream for 3 years that has been coming true so fast, has turned into one of the biggest nightmares of my life.
I have e-mailed which is the registrar they use to see if they can do anything. I hope everyone that got screwed by these people have copys of emails they had been sent prooving that they lie, cheat and steal domain names.
If everyone that got these emails saying things had been changed, or will not be changed even when its their fault, or just general awful attitude, Send me a copy of them and I will compose a huge list (im sure its not small) of all of the crap that they say.
These people need to be shut down before they ruin any more buisnesses that think they are geting a good deal and a good start.
Please people, help us out. We need donations or people to visit out site so much. We need so many registrations on our forums so we can apply for our Grant so we can get the Cyber Cafe set up.
Please Help us in every way you can
All Donators over £10 will receive their own email address and hosting for a year.
------------------------ IMPORTANT UPDATE ----------------
To any of those who have been chated by and not been able to contact them, I e-mailed OpenSRS and they gave me the following contact information for HostOnce :,
9515 3977
9515 3977 (fax)