Yes its near to Khar and Santacruz train stations which is very important for crowed who want to travel stay n then again travel. In spite of the fact that the lodging is arranged on the principle street, they have 2 layers of windows which makes the room verging on stable confirmation.
Food was really great(attempted Indian decisions just), however the stay I would rate as normal. They dont have a lodging, however do indulge room administration. Break-quick has a wide mixed bag. For different suppers, its ideal to eat outside, as there are eateries in and around that range. Lodging gave room which is helpful with great wi-fi office, wifi for us is very important these days.
There is a parking spot, I think which is right beside the room window. so if you are traveling by car then dont worry about this. Customer service needs to improve, I dont know what problem they have to let our guests come and meet us in room, but if you dont have that plan then its not a big problem.