Hi guys
Today I share my story for join Mouthshut. One day I think that is this possible earning from smartphone. Then I simply type in my youtube how to earn through mobile and he shows many videos. Here I watch about Mouthshut.
With the help of youtube, I open Mouthshut.com and create account in this website.
Then I start write review in this website those product who use in my daily life.
I writing many review and wait MS point. But he did not credit MS point in 4-5 days then I think perhaps he fake website and I stop wrote review. After one week I open this website and check my account here I watch he credit 40 MS point in my account. I was happy and again wrote review.
Nowadays I am using Mouthshut app for writing review. This app is available in google play store.
If you earn join this website/app. He rally pay for writing review.
Thanks for reading my tips.
Hava a nice day.