# HP P1108 Printer is one of the best black and white printer. HP P1108 Printer is printer only black and white form so we can used only normal paper for printer but we can also use different-different type of normal paper like 70gsm, 80gsm and aslo other it handling very softly all paper and you are never suffer from paper handling problem in it.
# HP P1108 printer in very small and compact size made so you can use it in very friendly way in in your home or office.
# This printer give you best service in from any other printer. Everyone can use it very easily. If you can care it time to time its give best service. Its cartage filling process is some difficult but if you fill it once you can do it in very easily.
# If talking about it printing speed it speed is very quick and clear. if you use it in professional work you always save your costumer time.
# HP P1108 is single function printer which give you only black and white print. This printer has no other features.